I’m An Enemy Of The State In Blindfold VR – Day 1

Over the years I have done a lot of VR experiences that have had me a bit anxious but Blindfold has taken that anxiety to a whole new level! iNK Stories has brought a very chilling experience to the Rift that has the player locked in an Iranian prisons interrogation room. Needless to say it is a very uncomfortable feeling.

The graphics and sound come together nicely to create the tense atmosphere and the character models and voice acting are good as well making the experience feel believable. I also quite like it when games feature the nod response mechanic and having the ability to nod yes and no really helped to amp up the sense of immersion in this one.

My only issue with Blindfold is that it seems to consistently crash at the end of the Day One scene… I don’t know if there is supposed to be more here but I really hope there is! Even if there isn’t anything past Day One this short experience is still worth the free price of admission.

You can grab a copy of this free experience here:

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