Crossing The Threshold Between Life And Death In Xing The Land Beyond

So after what seems like an eternity of waiting Xing: The Land Beyond has finally been released. Xing was the product of a successful 2013 Kickstarter campaign and from what I have seen of this game so far it was definitely worth the wait! The graphics are very good and the overall atmosphere of the game coupled with the excellent musical score makes for one of the most visually pleasing and relaxing VR walking simulators I have played yet. Xing is labeled as a first person VR puzzle adventure game but the puzzles seem to be nothing more than a means of slowing the progression down a bit as there is very little challenge to them. Most of the games puzzles have the player simply place objects in a receptical or manipulate the day and night cycle to move some bridges around. This being said I have not made my way further into the game, so the puzzles may become more challenging as the game goes further. All in all if you are looking for a beautiful and relaxing VR experience then Xing might just be what you have been searching for. I for one am very much enjoying this game and can’t wait to see what comes next!

You can grab a copy of Xing the Land Beyond for either the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive from the links below.

Oculus Store:


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