End Space Gets First Major Update

End Space for the Gear VR received its first major update this week and it was a big one! This is one of the best games I have seen on the Gear VR platform to date and believe it or not it just got even better. It has been amazing watching this app grow from the original release for the Google Cardboard into what it is today. End Space truly pushes the boundaries of what users should expect from a quality release on the Gear VR. For a space game junkie like me seeing something this polished on the Gear VR was like a dream come true.


The true standout of this game is its amazing graphics and scale. Until playing End Space I had no idea that the Gear VR could be pushed this far. The look and feel of the game are on par with similar games that I have seen in the Oculus Rift. That being said, there are plans to bring End Space to the Rift, Vive and PSVR later this year as well as many other additions to the game.

Features currently in development

  • Oculus Rift & HTC Vive Support – With upgraded graphics and HOTAS control
  • PSVR release in October
  • Multiplayer across every  supported VR platform (Gear VR vs Rift, vs Vive, vs PS VR)
  • More missions
  • More weapons
  • 3rd person camera mode
  • Non gamepad flight mode

If you already own the game or are planning on getting it here is the change log of what you can look forward to in End Space 1.1:


  • Introducing Touch pad Flight mode. Play End Space without the use of a game pad. Use the Touch pad on the side of the Gear VR to control your ship. Requires standing or swivel chair to play.
  • Game pads are now optional. Start the game with a game pad connected to use the Game pad Flight mode. If no game pad is connected, Touch pad Flight mode will be selected by default.
  • Game pad Comfort mode. Enable “Look to Fly” in the Options menu to fly using your head instead of the thumb pads. This is a much more comfortable option for most people. Requires standing or swivel chair to play.
  • New detailed player cockpit thanks to the talented Lee Souder.
  • Warp In and Warp Out. Every level starts with a warp into the level and after a successful mission you must align to the Navigation Beacon and warp out.
  • Explore the space station by teleporting around. (Next major update will expand on this feature along with the introduction of a new storyline)
  • Explosions are more explosive. Boom!
  • Weapon characteristics are now more distinct.
  • Pick your loadout by equipping unlocked weapons in the ‘Ammo Loadout’ and ‘Missile Loadout’ menus.
  • Press X or Swipe Up to switch between your equipped Primary Weapons.
  • Press Y to switch between your equipped Secondary Weapons. Due to input limitations you cannot switch between Secondary Weapons in Touchpad Flight mode.
  • Decreased level load times.
  • Texture and shader improvements on many things.

Game Balance

  • Resistance non-Capital Ship pilots will now eject into an escape pod when their ship explodes. Destroy the pods before they escape to earn extra credits.
  • Everything is 80% smaller to reflect real world values. This increases the 3D effect as well.
  • Small ship colliders are more accurate.
  • Boost time is longer, faster, and recharges more quickly.
  • Resistance Bombers now shoot EMP missiles.
  • Missile locking improvements.
  • Added 2 new Easter Eggs for you to discover.

Bug fixes

  • Lots of new game pads supported. PS4 controller is still NOT supported. See the Support page for more details.
  • Bluetooth headphones should work now (But still not recommended. Use wired headphones for best experience).
  • Can no longer Pause the game while the Mission Complete or Game Over menu is open.
  • Tonnes of performance enhancements.
  • Several new sound effects.
  • Sound effect volume adjustments.

So If your like me and love space combat games and own a Gear VR I highly recommend adding this game to your library! End Space is currently available on the Gear VR app store for $7.99 and you can grab a copy here: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/gear-vr/941837879186570/

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