Testing WIDMO VR’s Covers, Bags And Prescription Lens Adapters For The Oculus Rift


Today we will be taking a quick look at the regular and extra soft covers, a few different bags and the prescription lens adapters offered by Widmo VR. Overall I have to say the quality of the accessories is good. The covers feel nice and stay in place very well due to the elastic used to hold them on the Rifts facial interface. The bags and T-shirts are also of a descent quality and look great with the designs that Widmo has chosen for them. One thing to remember when ordering the T-shirts is that these seem to be European sizes. I’m a big guy and for me even the 2X was a bit tight so you might want to go up a size or 2 if ordering from the USA.

I think for both of us the best accessory that was tested has to be the prescription lens adapters. Having the ability to use the Rift without cramming glasses inside it or putting in contact lenses is awesome! To put this to the ultimate test my wife Stacey has joined me on this video. As someone who can’t wear contact lenses she has never been able to have a good experience in the Rift due to the discomfort felt while wearing her glasses. Needless to say, these lens adapters made a huge difference for both Stacey and myself. It is so refreshing to be able to just slip on the Rift without having to think about being able to see clearly in it.

I want to thank Widmo VR for sending us this care package and especially for them including an extra set of their lens adapters for Stacey. You guys are awesome for doing that! 

If you want to check out all of the accessories offered by Widmo VR follow this link:

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